Goodbye sad little shed, we will not miss you. Especially since you were a beast to take down.
It may not have looked like much, but this thing was surprisingly solid. We started by detaching it from our fence so that wouldn’t get pulled down with it. Then Matt went it and unscrewed everything he could and then took a crowbar to the roof.
An hour later he had the roof off, but it was ungodly heavy.
“Real men work in khakis.” –Matt Also, this was just 2 weekends ago and we really did need jackets. Yay for early May in Minnesota. At least it wasn’t snowing….
Before we could do anything else we stripped off all the shingles–they weighed a ton! Then we were able to wrestle the roof away from where it fell so Matt could work on breaking it down into manageable chunks.
After lunch we tackled the walls. Some of the plywood panels pried off relatively easier than others….
After about 3 hours of work the whole thing was down. The shed was really assembled in the most mind-boggling way–nails, screws, bolts, staples… they used every kind of fastener known to man. Plus, every one of the 4×4’s supporting the corners was made up of multiple pieces sistered together. 3 were 2 separate pieces, and one was made up of 3 different pieces cobbled together.
It still doesn’t look like much, but I think it looks better. It’s one of the sunnier parts of our backyard so may be a possible spot for our future vegetable garden.