Weekend Report

Is the end of Daylight Savings Time messing with anyone else?  It’s 8:00 and I’m already in my pjs and vegged out in front of the TV.  Around 7 I was convinced it was nearly 9 and lost all motivation.

  • Bags of leaves removed: 9
  • Bags of leaves remaining: 5
  • Sawdust kicked up in the bathroom:  A good cubic foot*
  • Swear words used to describe the idiots who inflicted unspeakable horrors on our bathroom: Eleventy-billion
  • Hours spent agonizing over light fixtures: 3
  • Boxed unpacked in my study: 6 (!!!)
  • Concerts attended: 1**
  • Photos organized: 319***

Nothing interesting to photograph this weekend (bathroom updated coming soon!) so have a photo of Prague.  Because Prague.


*I’ve been attacking the window trim.  There’s a chunk that needed to be patched and another two chunks that needed to be sanded down completely to removed glue, yes glue, residue.

**SPCO who rallied amazingly after their violin soloist got injured and they had to redo 2/3’s of the program at the last minute.  This included a guest conductor who conducted Beethoven’s 7th from memory with no score in front of him.

***I’m about 1/2 way through getting our Europe photos organized into a book, but I’ve uploaded so many (since I upload them all and then edit so I can see what fits well where)I think I’m about to crash Shutterfly any second now…


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